Copacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro. Beautiful white sand and not a cloud in the sky. I could think of a lot worse ways to spend an idle Tuesday afternoon.
Destiny is the collison of the random with the inevitable...we all experience life through our own collisions; choices or past experiences if you will. These experiences are the best teachers we have, the lessons themselves often lead us to the greatest discoveries which are those within ourselves.
Life unfolds for everyone at an equally different pace. Everyone will perhaps see the same things in this world and yet each individual will come away from a given experience with a point of view vastly different from those of his or her peers.
This site details my own personal experiences, mediocre at best, which have shaped who I am as well as who I am becoming. I have compiled travel stories, photos, quotes and even some blythe personal commentary as a means to explore the world around me and my position within it. I have an unquenchable thirst for the obscure, esoteric things in life - "they" are what moves me. It is my intention to figure out who "I" am by understanding who and what "they" are.
The world is a very abstract place - rarely is there ever a black or white; usually multiple shades of gray are what serve as metaphors for the choices in our lives. Personally, I have chosen black, white and many combinations thereof. The choices themselves, right or wrong, have shaped who I am. As I explore, I choose - I choose to understand the world. It is this world for all practical purposes that serves as a metaphor for myself.
I know mself no more than I know my new next door neighbor. I hope to discover, to explore and to not only choose but to understand the reasoning behind my choices. Hopefully by understanding why I make the choices I do, I will gain a greater insight to who I am.
This site provides a great way to share my thoughts, choices and ideas about the world around me...I hope you find it as interesting as I did fulfilling.
I am not an angel and do not pretend to be. That is not one of my roles but I am not the devil either. I am an individual, a writer and a serious artist, and I would like so to be judged. - Mark